Erstellen eines Custom Entity Types in Drupal 8
Eine Präsentation fürs Drupal User Group Treffen am 15. Juli 2015 bei Form & Code.
Eine Präsentation fürs Drupal User Group Treffen am 15. Juli 2015 bei Form & Code.
There are many CKEditor plugins available which provide special functionality - mostly new buttons - for your editor. One is CodeSnippet, which adds a simple way to add formatted code snippets to your textfields.
Das Drupal Modul Entity Formatter soll Templating mit Drupal einfacher machen. Mit per Drush Befehl erzeugten Klassen kann auf Entity Felder zugegriffen werden und spezielle Formatting-Methoden erleichtern die Datenausgabe.
Batch and Queue API are two similar APIs to process heavy operations without the risk to run into processing timeouts. Here is an overview about the general concepts.
Zehn Drupal Snippets aus dem Projektalltag. Eine Präsentation für das Drupal Usergroup Treffen.
The taxonomy system in Drupal is great base for many features. Here are two modules which extend the core functionality in fine way.
Use the smart_trim module. It provides a couple of trimming options for the formatter of textfields (text, text_long, and text_with_summary).
You want to find out which modules on your Drupal installation implement a given hook? Easy with drush: drush fn-hook HOOK_NAME
Profile2 is a nice module to build user profiles. However it lacks some basic functionality. This modules tries to fill this gap.
In Drupal the output of fields is controlled via "formatters". For example an image field can be output as the full image, as a thumbnail or simple as a linked file path.
You want certain content-types to no show up in Drupal search results? Here is a hook implementation to do so when using Drupal core search module.
There are some possibilities to change the structure of a drupal form. They are trigged at different times in the form building process, and therefor different things can be accomplished with those techniques.
The strategy is as simple as this: Double the image dimensions and reduce the JPG quality. Deliver this image for normal and high-res devices. The resulting image will have higher resolution, but thanks to the good working JPG compression only marginal bigger filesize.
Maximum 31 CSS Files per HTML page Maximum 4095 selectors per CSS file Maximum 288kb per CSS file Applies up to IE9 See also
Drupal media module fetches thumbnails for videos and stores them locally. Here is a snippet how you can access the thumbnail and render it using an image style.
There is a nasty bug in Pathauto module, which causes troubles when you use Views Bulk Operations module (or generally when you save a node programatically).
If you want to change the markup output In Drupal you can replace core theming functions and templates with your own implementations.
Using the Webform module you can specify some description text for each form-item. Through trial and error I found out, that some HTML is allowed. However I took some time to find out how I can add HTML tags to this set of allowed tags.
I did a presentatin at our local Drupal Usergroup meeting about caching last week. Here are my slides :)
Install these modules simplenews mimemail phpmailer simplenews Provides Newsletter functionality, like subscription blocks, newsletters as content type and a sending mechanism.
Today I ran into an issue where a form was not submitted correctly. The form was on each row of a views page, and the view was cached using cache_actions module (which provides a cache which can only be cleared via a custom rule [from the rules module]).
Both modules, entity and field_collection, are programmed by the same guy. As one would expect, they work together very well.
Date field is fine if you want to set a definte date, for other use cases, when for example the definite year or month is irrelevant you might need another field for that. Here are some options, I have found: - two textfields (in one) with different widgets - eg text for amount and dropdown for unit.